FSIS will publish a Federal Register notice announcing and requesting comments on revised categorization relative to pathogen reduction performance standards. The establishment category status for Salmonella will be based on FSIS sample results during the 52-week window ending the last Saturday of the previous month, rather than on results during the last 13 completed 52-week windows. At the same time, FSIS will no longer include follow-up sampling results as part of the moving window when determining establishment category status. FSIS will update the individual establishments’ category status on its website on a monthly basis and will maintain the last six months of historical establishment-specific categorization data on the website, as it becomes available, using the revised categorization procedures announced in the notice.
FSIS intends to use the revised categorization procedures for all establishments subject to a pathogen reduction performance standard for Salmonella or Campylobacter, including beef and pork establishments, in the future. FSIS will announce any expanded use of the revised procedures in the Federal Register and will request public comment.
FSIS will proceed with implementing the changes on the date announced in the notice. However, FSIS is seeking comments on the changes as part of its effort to continuously assess and improve the effectiveness of the agency’s polices.
The advanced copy of the notice is available at:https://www.fsis.usda.gov/FSIS-2018-0043 .
El FSIS pretende utilizar los procedimientos de categorización revisados para todos los establecimientos sujetos a un estándar de rendimiento de reducción de patógenos para Salmonella o Campylobacter, incluidos los establecimientos de carne de res y cerdo, en el futuro. El FSIS anunciará cualquier uso ampliado de los procedimientos revisados en el Registro Federal y solicitará comentarios del público.
El FSIS continuará con la implementación de los cambios en la fecha anunciada en el aviso. Sin embargo, el FSIS está buscando comentarios sobre los cambios como parte de su esfuerzo por evaluar y mejorar continuamente la efectividad de las políticas de la agencia.
La copia avanzada del aviso está disponible en: https: //www.fsis.usda.gov/FSIS-2018-0043.